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Date de publication : 13/01/2024

In Polynesia, you start dancing the “ori Tahiti” (Tahitian dance) as soon as you can walk…or almost! Dancing? Polynesians have it in spades! Everything is an excuse to dance! Today, this artistic expression has never been so popular. There are hundreds of dance schools attended by students of all ages, including the new generation. The ‘ori tahiti, accompanied by song and percussion, is a powerful, aesthetic and proud celebration of Polynesian culture. It tells of legends, love and war. Every year in July, the Heiva i Tahiti brings together hundreds of dancers for “the competition of the year”! A vibrant event, a show full of colors and smiles, for an immersion in the heart of Polynesian culture!

Tahitian dance, also known as “ori Tahiti”, is much more than a simple form of artistic expression in Polynesia; it’s a genuine part of cultural identity, transmitted from an early age. Polynesians seem to be born with rhythm in their blood, and dance naturally becomes an integral part of their daily lives.

Passion for Tahitian dance has never been as strong as it is today. Hundreds of dance schools flourish across Polynesia, attracting students of all ages, including the new generation who enthusiastically perpetuate this cultural heritage. The ‘ori tahiti, accompanied by haunting songs and rhythmic percussion, is a powerful, aesthetic and proud celebration of the richness and diversity of Polynesian culture. Through graceful, expressive movements, this dance recounts the legends of the people, evokes love and evokes bravery in past wars.

Every July is marked by the Heiva i Tahiti, an event that brings together hundreds of dancers in what is often described as the “competition of the year”. This vibrant celebration offers a dazzling spectacle, a firework display of color, movement and smiles that plunges spectators into the very heart of Polynesian culture. The Heiva i Tahiti is much more than just a dance competition, it’s a moment of intense immersion where the Polynesian soul expresses itself with all its beauty, grace and passion, captivating all those lucky enough to attend.