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Dangers you may encounter in Tahiti

Dangers you may encounter in Tahiti

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Date de publication : 09/12/2023

One of French Polynesia’s greatest assets is its low number of hazards.

* No dangerous animals, no deadly insects or reptiles.
* Low risk of major natural disasters (no earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.).

On the other hand, the risk of receiving a coconut on the head is much higher!

On a more serious note, the most dangerous animal here is the mosquito, which can transmit nasty diseases like dengue fever. Then there are the scolopendras, better known locally as centipedes or millipedes. Its bite can inflict severe pain and itching. Relieve pain by disinfecting the wound and applying a cold compress. Apply a hot spring near the wound, as the venom is thermolabile, without burning yourself of course; a single wound is enough. If the pain persists, don’t hesitate to consult a doctor. Bee and wasp stings hurt, but are (fortunately) not fatal. If you do get bitten, proceed in the same way as with bark beetles.

Cones, sea urchins, starfish, stonefish and firefish can sting. The best protection is to wear plastic shoes, and the best advice is not to try to touch them! On the spot, disinfect the wound and get yourself to a doctor as soon as possible.

In terms of climatic hazards, Polynesia is spared many disasters. However, it is not immune to cyclones or heavy rains. In a future article, we’ll explain what to do in an emergency in Tahiti.